Monthly Activities
- Monthly Kindergarten Readiness Activity Calendars from PBS - ideas for activities to do with your children as they prepare for kindergarten.
- Reading is Fundamental Monthly Activity Calendars - These activity calendars provide engaging reading and writing activity suggestions to last an entire month.
Websites to Explore
- 7 Benefits of Teaching your Child Sign Language - These videos will help you and your child learn to sign the alphabet and other simple signs.
- Alphabet Fun – Videos, activities, and crafts about the ABCs.
Books to Read
- ABC Dream by Kim Krans
- ABC Pasta: an entertaining alphabet by Juana Medina
- ABC School's for Me! by Susan B. Katz; illustrated by Lynn Munisnger
- ABCs from Space: a Discovered Alphabet by Adam Voiland
- ABC's of Baseball by Peter Golenbock; illustrated by Dan Andreasen
- ABCs on Wheels by Ramon Olivera
- ABC Yoga by Christiane Engel
- ABC Zooborns! by Andrew Bleiman & Chris Eastland
- ABZzz... A Bedtime Alphabet by Isabel Minhós Martins; illustrated by Yara Kono
- A is for Musk Ox by Erin Cabatingan; illustrated by Matthew Myers
- Alligators All Around: an alphabet by Maurice Sendak
- Alphabet Fun: making letters with your body by Isabel Thomas
- Alphabet Trains by Samantha R. Vamos; illustrated by Ryan O'Rourke
- Alphasaurs and Other Prehistoric Types by Sharon Werner & Sarah Forss
- An Annoying ABC by Barbara Bottner; illustrated by Michael Emberley
- An Excessive Alphabet: Avalanches of As to Zillions of Zs by Judi Barrett; illustrated by Ron Barrett
- Animal Alphabet: from Ape to Zebra by Kara McMahon; illustrated by Christopher Moroney
- A Pirate Alphabet; the ABCs of Piracy! by Anna Butzer & Chris Jevons
- Apple Pie ABC by Alison Murray
- Backseat A-B-See by Maria van Lieshout
- Bad Kitty by Nick Bruel
- Big Words for Little Geniuses by Susan & James Patterson; illustrated by Hsinping Pan
- B is for Bear: a natural alphabet by Hannah Viano
- Click, Clack, ABC by Doreen Cronin & Betsy Lewin
- Crayola Fall Colors by Mari Schuh
- Did You Take the B from my _ook? by Beck & Matt Stanton
- D is for Dress-Up: the ABCs of what we wear by Maria Carluccio
- Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert
- E-mergency! by Tom Lichtenheld & Ezra Fields-Meyer
- F is for Friendship: a Quilt Alphabet by Helen L. Wilbur; illustrated by Gijsbert van Frankenhuyzen
- Fish by Liam Francis Walsh
- Hello Autumn! by Shelley Rotner
- Ice Cream Summer by Peter Sis
- If Rocks Could Sing: a Discovered Alphabet by Leslie McGuirk
- It's Raining Pigs and Noodles: poems by Jack Prelutsky; drawings by James Stevenson
- Jane Foster's ABC by Jane Foster
- Little i by Michael Hall
- Llama Llama Gram and Grandpa by Anna Dewdney
- LMNO Peas by Keith Baker
- May I Have a Word? by Caron Levis; illustrated by Andy Rash
- M is for Mischief: an A to Z of naughty children by Linda Ashman; illustrated by Nancy Carpenter
- M is for Money: an economics alphabet by Debbie & Michael Shoulders; illustrated by Marty Kelley
- Pirate Stew by Neil Gaiman; illustrated by Chris Riddell
- Playful Pigs from A to Z by Anita Lobel
- Poor Puppy and Bad Kitty by Nick Bruel
- Prince & Pirate by Charlotte Gunnufson; illustrated by Mike Lowery
- R is for Rocket: an ABC Book by Tad Hills
- ROAR-chestra! : A Wild Story of Musical Words by Robert Heidbreder; illustrated by Duýan Petricic
- Sewing Stories: Harriet Powers' Journey from Slave to Artist by Barbara Herkert; illustrated by Vanessa Brantley-Newton
- Shiver Me Letters: A Pirate ABC by June Sobel; illustrated by Henry Cole
- Signing Around Town: Sign Language for Kids by Kathryn Clay; illustrated by Michael Reid
- SuperHero ABC by Bob McLeod
- The Alphabet from the Sky by Benedikt Grob & Joey Lee
- The Construction Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta; illustrated by Rob Bolster
- The Little Red Cat (who ran away from home and learned his ABC's the hard way) by Patrick McDonnell
- There is a Carrot in my Ear, and other Noodle Tales retold by Alvin Schwartz; pictures by Karen Ann Weinhaus
- The Runaway Pea Kjartan Poskitt; illustrated by Alex Willmore
- The Sleepy Little Alphabet: a bedtime story from Alphabet Town by Judy Sierra; illustrated by Melissa Sweet
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar's ABC Book by Eric Carle
- Today I Feel...: an Alphabet of Feelings by Madalena Moniz
- Twenty-Six Pirates by Dave Horowitz
- Twenty-Six Princesses by Dave Horowitz
Read & Rhyme
Original artwork by Helen Correll